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- CLA Announcements 28
- Coalitions and Allies 2
- Comments 1
- Congress 5
- Dicamba 1
- EPA 3
- Endangered Species Act 2
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- Farm Bill 1
- Federal Agencies 9
- Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act 5
- Glyphosate 1
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- Miscellaneous Tariff Bill 1
- Neonicotinoids 1
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- Pesticide Labeling 1
- Pesticides 1
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- Risk-Based Regulation 3
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- Trade 8
- Transparency 5
- USTR 1
- Vaccination 1
- Worker protection 1
- climate change 2
Confirmation of Vilsack Brings Focus on the Farm Economy, Climate and Trade to USDA
CropLife America applauds Tom Vilsack on his confirmation by the U.S. Senate to Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), a position he previously held under the Obama administration.
USDA/USTR Announce Appointment of Advisory Panels
On January 14, 2021, the United States Department of Agriculture and the United States Trade Representative announced the appointment of new members to their agricultural trade advisory committees.
EPA’s 50th Anniversary Provides Opportunity to Recognize the Importance of Regulation
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) turned 50 today, marking years of continuous environmental improvement across our nation’s land, water, and skies. CropLife America (CLA) congratulates the Agency on its 50th anniversary and commends its career scientists, who serve our nation with a mission to protect human health and the environment by enacting the regulatory initiatives that protect our world.
CropLife America Elects New Board Chair
CropLife America (CLA), the national association representing the manufacturers, distributors and formulators of organic and non-organic pesticides, as well as other crop protection products, has elected Paul Rea with BASF Agricultural Solutions as its newest chair of the CLA Board of Directors. Rea will hold the position for two years and use his diverse background to help guide the association, working with CLA’s President and CEO Chris Novak. He succeeds Susanne Wasson of Corteva Agriscience.
CropLife America Recognizes Award Winners at 2020 Annual Meeting
The 2020 election, challenges at the state and local levels, and need to defend our U.S. risk-based regulatory system were at the top of the agenda during the CropLife America (CLA) virtual Annual Meeting held September 28 – October 1. CLA’s Annual Meeting provided an opportunity for members to review 2020 initiatives, discuss future strategy, and reflect on the opportunities ahead for agricultural innovations.
USMCA Beneficial For U.S. Agriculture and Fair Trade
Today, the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement’s (USMCA) entry into force marks a momentous event for the agriculture community. This historic agreement crafted by the President and U.S. Trade Representative will ensure farmer access to key markets throughout the continent.
CropLife America Supports EPA’s Protection of Farmers
Earlier this week, CropLife America (CLA), along with groups representing American farmers, filed friend of the court briefs in National Family Farm Coalition, et al. (NFFC) v. United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), et al., supporting EPA’s authority to issue a cancellation order for three dicamba herbicides. CLA’s brief provided legal and policy support for EPA’s responsibility to comprehensively regulate pesticide products, from approval through cancellation and disposal.
New Government Relations Specialist Brings Unique Perspective to International Issues Facing the Pesticide Industry
Today, CropLife America (CLA) is excited to welcome Molly O’Connor to the association’s government relations team. Molly will join the organization as director, federal government relations, bringing with her a new perspective and expertise in the areas of global policy and trade.
CLA, ARA and TFI Announce Office Co-Location to Begin in 2021
CropLife America (CLA), The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) and the Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) announced today that the three organizations will co-locate to Arlington, VA, beginning in January 2021. Each organization will retain its focus on the needs of its respective members, but the move is expected to create greater opportunities for collaboration that can enhance each organization’s efficiency and effectiveness. The organizations’ respective Boards of Directors approved this concept in separate votes last fall.
Agriculture Associations Ask Governors to Support Food System
Today, 35 national trade associations sent a letter to governors across the country recognizing the importance of their leadership, as well as asking them to support agriculture as they navigate decisions and policy regarding coronavirus response. As states address the challenges related to COVID-19, the importance of the entire food system and those who support it have become increasingly apparent.
EPA Takes Important Step in Streamlining Evaluation of Pesticides under ESA
Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its “Revised Method for National Level Listed Species Biological Evaluations of Conventional Pesticides.” This is an important step toward creating a workable solution to evaluate pesticides under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
EPA Reaffirms Safety of Glyphosate
Yesterday, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released an interim decision updating current glyphosate regulations. After a thorough review of the best available science, as required under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, EPA concluded there are no concerns for human health when glyphosate is used according to the label and that the product is not a carcinogen.
EPA Releases Preliminary Interim Decision on Neonicotinoids
Today, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its Proposed Interim Decision (PID) on a class of pesticides known as neonicotinoids (neonics), which specifically addresses steps EPA is taking to protect pollinator health. Since 2015, EPA has included a pollinator risk assessment as part of its rigorous pesticide Registration Review process, as well as for new pesticide registrations. We support this process and once we have reviewed the full PID, we look forward to a robust public comment period.
CropLife America Applauds the Signing of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement
Today, President Trump signed the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), replacing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The revised treaty is a mutually beneficial win, creating a more level playing field for North American workers.