News Releases

Michael Leary Michael Leary

CropLife America Elects New Board Chair

CropLife America (CLA), the national association representing the manufacturers, distributors and formulators of organic and non-organic pesticides, as well as other crop protection products, has elected Paul Rea with BASF Agricultural Solutions as its newest chair of the CLA Board of Directors. Rea will hold the position for two years and use his diverse background to help guide the association, working with CLA’s President and CEO Chris Novak. He succeeds Susanne Wasson of Corteva Agriscience.

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Michael Leary Michael Leary

CropLife America Recognizes Award Winners at 2020 Annual Meeting

The 2020 election, challenges at the state and local levels, and need to defend our U.S. risk-based regulatory system were at the top of the agenda during the CropLife America (CLA) virtual Annual Meeting held September 28 – October 1. CLA’s Annual Meeting provided an opportunity for members to review 2020 initiatives, discuss future strategy, and reflect on the opportunities ahead for agricultural innovations.

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