Confirmation of Vilsack Brings Focus on the Farm Economy, Climate and Trade to USDA

WASHINGTON, D.C. – CropLife America applauds Tom Vilsack on his confirmation by the U.S. Senate to Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), a position he previously held under the Obama administration. We look forward to engaging with Secretary Vilsack on tough issues facing agriculture.

“We appreciate that during Secretary Vilsack’s confirmation hearing, he acknowledged the critical challenges facing agriculture, including a still struggling farm economy, climate-related disasters, and a growing list of trade challenges,” said Chris Novak, CLA president and CEO. “As farmers continue to face a growing threat from natural disasters, sustainable farming practices, made possible through the use of tools like pesticides and other crop protection products, are imperative to not only keeping farmers viable, but also helping to mitigate climate change through increased carbon sequestration, decreased fuel use and improved water conservation. Secretary Vilsack understands the everyday challenges farmers are facing and his experience and knowledge of pest management will help farmers sustainably produce more affordable food with fewer resources. We look forward to working with the Secretary as he re-assumes this role.”


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