These reports offer insights into the latest testing, research, regulations, and biotechnology developments. Most of these documents are in PDF format. Read the latest biotechnology developments, pesticides, regulatory frameworks, and agricultural science we are involved with; as we help regulations and technologies needed to protect crops, communities, and ecosystems from the threat of pests, weeds, and diseases in an environmentally sound, safe, and sustainable way for both growers and consumers.
Life cycle assessment of impacts of eliminating chemical pesticides used in the production of U.S. corn, soybeans, and cotton
Drivers and barriers to adoption of regenerative agriculture: cases studies on lessons learned from organic
Uncrewed Aerial Spray Systems and Equivalency with Conventional Techniques: Spray Drift, Operator Exposure, Crop Residue, and Efficacy
UAV Pesticide Application Work Group: Progress Update
UAV Pesticide Application: Benefits and Fit into the Current Regulatory Framework
Analysis of Cost Estimates and Additional Resources Required for Timely FIFRA-ESA Pesticide Registration Review
Analysis of the Information Collection Requirements for Agricultural Workers Protection Standards
Cost of New Agrochemical Product Discovery, Development and Registration March 2016
Seasonal Rearing Habitat in a Large Mediterranean Climate River
The Contribution of Crop Protection Products to the US Economy
The Role of Seed Treatment in Modern US Crop Production
The Role of Agricultural Science and Technology in Climate 21 Project Implementation