CropLife America joins letter for Farm Bill Passage in 118th Congress

CropLife America (CLA) joined more than 530 organizations to send a letter urging Congress to deliver a bipartisan farm bill within the current 118th Congress. The last farm bill passed in 2018 and was extended through September 30, 2024. As this deadline approaches, continued support by Congressional leadership and stakeholders is necessary in order to pass this critical legislation. 

Typically renewed every five years, the farm bill was created in the 1930s to assist farmers and has evolved to authorize various agricultural and food programs in the U.S. The farm bill is expansive and provides support for the following programs: crop insurance, disaster programs, voluntary conservation, beginning farmer training, sustainable farming practices, climate change programs, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

To find out more about CLA’s Farm Bill priorities, click here.


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