CLA Calls for 60-Day Extension on Seed Treatment Risk Assessment Comments

CLA submitted a request for a 60-day Extension of the Public Comment Period, for Clothianidin’s, Imidacloprid’s, and Thiamethoxam’s Updated Occupational Exposure Assessments for Seed Treatment Uses: Guide to Commenters EPA-HQ-OPP-2011-0865-1410, until November 25, 2024. EPA updated seed treatment policies based on new data from the neonicotinoids’ registration review, leading to revised occupational exposure risk assessments. To help ensure accuracy, EPA developed a list of questions to verify if chemical-specific use information aligns with the updated policies. Given the complexity of over 100 seed treatment registrations for clothianidin, imidacloprid, and thiamethoxam combined, stakeholders need more time to provide thorough responses.

Read the full comments here.


CLA and RISE Submit Comments on EPA’s Proposed Framework for Interagency Collaboration on the Review of Potential for Resistance from Antibacterial and Antifungal Pesticides


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