CropLife America

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CLA and RISE Submit Comments on EPA’s Proposed Framework for Interagency Collaboration on the Review of Potential for Resistance from Antibacterial and Antifungal Pesticides

CLA and RISE submitted joint comments to EPA on the Proposed Framework for Interagency Collaboration on Antibacterial and Antifungal Pesticides. The comments addressed the scope of the Draft Whitepaper, interagency coordination, implications for product registration timelines, stakeholder involvement, resistance risk assessment under FIFRA, and improvements to the risk assessment determining the potential for fungicides and bactericides to contribute to the development of resistance in human-pathogenic bacteria or fungi. They also emphasized the importance of pesticides to national infrastructure but expressed concern over significant delays in registration and bringing new chemistries to market. CLA and RISE called for a clear plan to assess resistance risks efficiently without further delaying new product approvals.