CropLife America

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Regan Confirmation a Step Toward Stakeholder Engagement and Transparency of EPA Decisions

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Earlier today, the U.S. Senate voted to confirm Michael Regan as the next Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). During Administrator Regan’s nomination hearing, he addressed the urgent need to work with stakeholders to develop pragmatic solutions for the numerous environmental issues facing our nation, including climate change and water quality.

“CropLife America congratulates Administrator Regan on his appointment and we look forward to working with him. His demonstrated commitment in reaching out to, and working with, the regulated community will be critical in developing solutions to address climate and to enhance the credibility and transparency of the EPA’s work,” said Chris Novak, CLA’s president and CEO. “Administrator Regan’s focus on engagement with all stakeholders will help to ensure farmers, public health officials and other pesticide professionals’ voices will be part of the conversation on the essential need for the strong risk-based regulation of pesticides.”