CropLife America

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Agriculture Associations Ask Governors to Support Food System

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, 35 national trade associations sent a letter to governors across the country recognizing the importance of their leadership, as well as asking them to support agriculture as they navigate decisions and policy regarding coronavirus response. As states address the challenges related to COVID-19, the importance of the entire food system and those who support it have become increasingly apparent.   

The letter addressed three key actions that governors should consider as new travel and work restrictions are enacted:

  • Adoption of the Department of Homeland Security’s recent revised definition of “critical infrastructure” that includes food, agriculture and public health businesses and supporting services.

  • Maintain and expand transportation capacity by encouraging states to provide flexibility on current load-limit restrictions, expanding trucking capacity while continuing to balance the critical need for public safety.

  • Support transportation services such as public rest areas, take-out food services and other vital services.

  • Ensure needed state testing and certification laboratories and facilities remain operational if possible, enabling the important work of maintaining food and public safety by providing access to inputs required by farmers and other applicators.

States are in a unique position to help ensure the food chain can continue to keep shelves stocked and protect the public from health threats like rodents and mosquitos. You can view the full text of the letter on the CropLife America website.