Learn how the responsible use of crop pesticides conserves fuel, reduces emissions, improves soil health, and allows farmers to produce more food on less land.
Pesticides are part of the sustainability story.
People usually do not associate crop pesticides with sustainability. Well, it’s time to start! Without pesticides, farmers would need twice as much land to grow the same amount of food due to reduced yields. In addition, this would require huge amounts of water to irrigate desert land and twice as much fuel as is currently used. Pesticides allow for sustainable conservation practices, such as no-till and cover crops, to successfully exist.
CropLife America supports advocacy, education, and research efforts across the agricultural value chain to advance voluntary, incentive-based programs that will reduce greenhouse gases, improve soil health, and assist with adoption of new technological innovations that can reduce agricultural’ s environmental impact. CLA is working toward building programmatic efforts to elevate the necessity of current and future technologies that enable climate-smart agricultural practices and enhance crop productivity.