How do pesticides make it to market?
Promoting crop protection with sustainable methods, pesticide policy guides the careful development and registration of crop pesticides. Governed by FIFRA and FFDCA, the EPA oversees this process to ensure safety for humans, other species, and the environment.

Learn about issues facing the industry
Looking for news and information about regulatory and enforcement issues facing the agriculture industry from the EPA and other organizations in the US and around the world?

Need Resources?
Find shareable infographics other educational tools about food safety, pesticide regulation, sustainability, and other fun educational tools on our Resources page.
What is CLA’s Mission?
We help ensure growers and consumers have the technologies they need to protect crops, communities, and ecosystems from the threat of pests, weeds, and diseases in an environmentally sound, safe, and sustainable way.
What is CLA’s Focus?
Innovative Conversations
CropLife America fosters constructive dialogues among the agriculture industry, crop pesticide manufacturers, and regulatory agencies, aiming for a balanced approach to pesticide policy that prioritizes crop protection, sustainability, and addressing universal food concerns.
Regulatory Integrity
CropLife America advocates for manufacturers, formulators, and distributors of both organic and non-organic crop pesticides, ensuring their participation and influence in shaping pesticide policy to prioritize crop protection and sustainability.
What is CLA’s Vision?
Recognized as vital tools, our technologies support the goal of universally healthy food, healthy people, and a healthy planet. CropLife America envisions a better world achieved through science, including advancements in pesticide use, crop protection, and innovative biotechnological solutions to navigate farming regulations.